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10mm Gray Deep Dish 8-Spoke (Mattel)


SKU: 028-T11A32C18-GRY-8SPDD-P Category:

Introducing our exceptional set of 10mm Gray Deep Dish 8-Spoke wheels, designed to add a touch of aggressive style to your Hot Wheels cars. These wheels feature a unique 8-spoke design that exudes a sense of dynamism and modernity. With their deep dish configuration, they create a bold and muscular appearance that will make your miniature vehicles stand out from the crowd. The sleek gray color adds a touch of understated sophistication, complementing various car styles.  Upgrade your customs and bring a new level of visual impact to your cars with this set of 10mm Gray Deep Dish 8-Spoke wheels, transforming them into attention-grabbing pieces of art that will impress collectors and enthusiasts alike.

Please note: These are Mattel wheels.  Each set includes two axles, providing you with everything you need to complete one car with these stunning wheels.


8 Spoke Deep Dish



Tire Size


Axel Width


Inside Axel Width


Tire Color
